2nd NATO SeeByte User Group meeting (07-11 APR 2025)

@NAC, Ostend, BEL

Registration Page – Register before 251600GMT, March 25

    Your Name (*)

    Your First name (*)

    Your Rank (NATO) (*)

    Your Gender (*)

    Nationality (*)

    Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY) (*)

    Your Organisation/Command (*)

    Your Mobile Phone Nr

    Your Email (*)

    Your ID Card/Passport Nr + Date of Issue (*)

    Upload a copy of your Security Certificate (filetypes: jpg, jpeg, png or pdf; Max 1MB)

    Emergency Contact Name (*)

    Emergency Contact Phone Number(*)

    Do you have any Health Issues?(*)

    If you want to park your car in our barracks, please note your Car Licence Plate

    Icebreaker [15 EUR/pp, Registration is required ]

    Monday (1700-1900)

    Lunch [6 EUR/pp Registration is required ]


    Register NLT 251600GMT March 25.

    Booked accommodation (e.g. Hotel, for information only)

    Notes: 1. If you didn't upload your security clearance and/or a copy of your passport or Id-card, please send it by email to NAC-OOS-SECURITY@mil.be or bring a hardcopy with you during the registration. 2. If you do not stay in a hotel, give us the location where you are staying in the remarks.

    Please note any other remark about your requirements

    By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.

    If registration fails, please try using a different browser and/or network.