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Welcome to the website of the Navy Academy. As a binational entity, the Navy Academy is responsible for the education of all crewmembers of both the Belgian and Netherlands Navy.
Education methods are evolving constantly under the influence of modern technologies. In the 20th century, teaching was the privilege of teachers and schools. The introduction and democratization of Internet had a huge impact on the availability of information: anytime and anywhere. An evolution to blended learning methods is noticeable in the entire education landscape. The Navy, working with high tech material, resolutely chose to make the transition and established the Navy Academy (NAC) based on 3 pillars: collaborative NAC, digital NAC and physical NAC.
Collaborative NAC
The exchange of information and experiences is paramount to obtain the best product. Therefore, the Navy Academy is establishing a network of subject matter experts with partners in the military, academic and industrial world. This network is known as the collaborative NAC.
Digital NAC
Blended learning selects the best learning method for a given situation. The availability of open source information and online learning platforms enables students to learn content and store information at their own speed. The learning content remains available with updates for all involved navy personnel at any time. The Navy Academy uses BelADL as learning platform for unclassified content.
Physical NAC
Interaction with instructors and senior matter experts remains important in the Navy Academy. For a number of courses, face-to-face interaction remains the preferred learning method. In addition, simulator training requires logically a physical presence of the students. Therefore, a physical Navy Academy remains important in the future. Education, Training and Expertise are key words within the Navy Academy. Are you interested in joining the Navy? Have a look at the vacancies.
Luc Desanghere
Captain (N)
Director Navy Academy